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Etienne Salome, Bugatti, cars, luxury
Meet The Interior Designer Behind the Bugatti Chiron

ETIENNE SALOME   WHY DID YOU BECOME A DESIGNER? I was attracted to the chalenge of combining technical restrictions and creative freedom; it’s an interaction that makes every day at work an experience. But there’s also a great responsibility, for just a single idea, a small sketch, can lead to…

Koa Convas dubai
Dubai’s Koa Canvas Heralds a New Kind of Urban Living

Koa Canvas is not like your other residential projects in Dubai. With 43 different floor plans for the 70 apartments, it heralds a new approach to community building, one in which individuality and identity are front and centre. What the 30-somethings of today are looking for in a place to…

Alejandro Landes Casa Bahia Miami contemporary architecture
Life is a Movie in this Miami House Designed by a Filmmaker

Filmmaker Alejandro Landes’ glorious contemporary home in Miami, on the shores of Biscayne Bay, is as captivating as a cinematic masterpiece. Casa Bahia unfolds like a cinematic dream. The luxurious home (which at 50 million USD, is one of the most expensive properties on the Miami market) literally floats above…

Rem Koolhaas
OMA is in the Midst of Bringing The Koolhaas Effect to the Middle East

OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture), co-founded by Dutch architectural titan and theorist, Rem Koolhaas, has produced as many world-famous architects as it has world-famous buildings. The latest to join the fray is Syrian-born, Iyad Alsaka, partner in charge of the Middle East. Iyad Alsaka’s voice is hoarse this morning during…